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forensic police officers to transport groups note corporate and cwhatsapp发送的图片不清晰riminal groups lived in the housing acquisition trail map in the house found a tunnel , and a few bags of money and a lot of dirt . Wall paint, it is possible to cover up the suspect's fingerprints and fingerprints.
Xinhua BEIJING, Dec. 8 from 6 pm on a criminal group stole a Western Sao Paulo, Brazil within the company shipped more than 10 million yuan banknote Pakistani currency (about $ 5,Mawhatsapp阅读率低c cosmetics,780,000 ). Police said criminals from the houses near the bottom of a tunnel to the vault cash transport company群发短信10元10000条 , currently no one was arrested.
streets of cash transport companies to monitor movement of the 4 groups were not captured criminals action screen monitor , control,Cheap sunglasses, entrance security personnel have not found anything abnormal . Vaults of criminalwhatsapp网页版扫码登录方法 groups steal the money, leaving no clues that away.
preliminary investigation pointed out that members of criminal groups in the 4 months before the rent money from the company shipped about 100 meters of a house , to avoid the introduction of doubts , they also display an occasional Christmas tree garden . During this period, criminals on the excavation of a tunnel in the house , across from the square until the bottom of the vault cash transport companies . Company powhatsapp群组链接怎么弄inted out that about 11 million yuan vault Pakistani currency .
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burglary case occurred at 6 pm , the TV was broadcasting the final round of the Brazilian Cup . Alleged that a guard had heard a noise, but thought it was the fans celebrating in the shooting .

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